Thursday, November 29, 2012

Half Toning

We have a lot of people wonder how to make a design pop.  We understand that this can be difficult, especially when you only have one color design, but there is a technique we use that adds depth and contrast even in the simplest design.  This technique is called half toning.
Half toning can contribute to a design in a number of ways, it can add depth, motion, or as the name implies, simply tone down a color.  Half toning is essentially a way to create the look of a two color design by only using one color of ink.  By using dots, we essentially make an image pixilated which allows us to either fade out a solid color like this Preston Hometown Auto shirt....

 Or as we see in the Tiger Swimming shirt, we can show contrast from the bright, solid orange, to the pixilated, lighter orange within the design:

Along with our graphic experts, you can create the ultimate design for whatever budget or need you have.  Half toning allows you the chance to avoid a flat, boring design and really make the image pop off the shirt. This will give your finished product that “wow” factor that we hope keeps you coming back for more!

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